I synthesize imagery from popular culture, political discourse, and astronomical phenomena to create socially engaged artworks that reframe contemporary events as mythic narratives.
My practice critically engages with the dynamics of digital communication, exploring themes of identity, politics, and power across various media forms. Through high-definition video animations, digital graphics, and mixed-media installations, my work offers a reflective commentary on social realities, articulated through a digital lens.

2021: Çatı Sanat Alanı, "Hiçbir Şey Olmadığında," Group Exhibition, NETWORK, Video Installation
2021: Galeri A, "Birtakım Bir Takım," Group Exhibition, "Velikovsky was right" (Video Installation), İzmir
2020: Expanded Visions Festival, "They Are Coming" (Video Projection), Macerata, Italy
2016: Halka Art Project, "Uykusuzlar," "Sabahçı Kahvesi" (Video Documentary)
2015: Halka Art Project, "Gods & Heroes Exhibition," "El – Karray" (Video Installation), Istanbul
2014: Artist Studio Tel Aviv, "Haanakit Exhibition," "The Spot" (Video Installation), Tel Aviv
2014: Otuz Yedi / 37, Video Exhibition, "Gece Bakkalı" (Video Documentary) Izmir
2014: "Seçim Sizin / Your Choice," Galeri Edit, (Video Installation and Projection) Izmir
2013: "Kemeraltına Geçici Müdahale," "Untitled" (Video Installation, Projection Mapping) Izmir
2012: Musrara Mix Festival, "The Spot" (Visual-Audio Performance) Jerusalem
2011: Halka Art Project, "I don't want to leave without you" Exhibition, (Video Installation) Istanbul
2010: Notshuis Film Festival, Award Winning Films Festival, "Cycle" (Video Installation) Den Haag
2010: Gerrit Rietveld Academie Eind Exam Exhibition, "Cycle" (Video Installation) Amsterdam
2008: Kim7 Exhibition, "The Wheel" (Video) Amsterdam
2008: Kunstvlaai 08, "Tower Of Babel," A collaboration with Julian Jung, Hans de Wolf, Sanel Kadic, Kinetic Sculpture (Wood) Amsterdam
2007: Çağla Cabaoğlu Galeri, "The Future Exhibition," "The Dreams" (Video) Istanbul
2006: K2 Art Center, Izmir Biennial, "MORS," A collaboration with Karahan Kadırman, (Video and Sound Performance) Izmir
2005: K2 Art Center, "Moodifusion," "The Party" (Video) Izmir